nih-cfde / announcements

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Weekly Announcements to Post 04-05-2021 #95

Closed jeremywalter closed 3 years ago

jeremywalter commented 3 years ago

Add a comment containing your interesting links and announcements here! Let us know under which heading your post belongs (or add your own): Critical Announcements Events Meeting Outcomes Resources Tools New Releases Welcome/Farewell

*Please let us know if you would like your Announcements to be added to the Cross Pollination mailing list which includes Data Centers not onboarded with the CFDE.

jeremywalter commented 3 years ago

Amanda's FAIR talk: April 1, 2021

jeremywalter commented 3 years ago

CFDE Announcements OLD

Hello CFDE friends! Our list of events continues to grow. Check our list of Demos and Events and scroll down for Working Group updates.

CFDE Program Meeting

A major CFDE Program meeting is scheduled for May 10-11, 2021 with presentations and activities taking place from 11am EST until 4pm EST (8am-1pm PST) on both days. All CFDE participants are encouraged to attend two days of workshops and talks on a range of topics. A calendar invitation has already gone out. If you have questions or concerns about this important meeting, contact us at

Cross-Pollination Events

The next event will be on Tuesday, April 6, at 11am PST/2pm EST.Regular Cross-Pollination events take place on the first Tuesday of every month. Please check out the Cross-Pollination Schedule and let us know if you would like to present! When requesting a slot please include your preferred date and the length of your talk. Currently we have speakers scheduled out through June, but you can book a slot from July onwards.

CFDE Portal Demo

A 1-hour pop-up demo of newly released CFDE Data Portal that allows you to search across data from HuBMAP, Kids First Data Resource Center, Metabolomics, LINCS, exRNA, GTEx, and HMP from a single website is planned for Wednesday, April 14, at 11am PDT / 2pm EDT. Come check out what the portal has to offer and where we'll be taking it next. You can sign up for the event by clicking on the event calendar link.

CFDE Trainings and Workshops

Our Workshop series continues in April with lessons on AWS, Conda, and more. On Wednesday, April 7, at 10am PST/1pm EST we will host another 2 hour session on Intro to Conda. More lessons and sessions are being added and can be see on the CFDE Events Calendar. We are committed to developing training workshops that will equip the CFDE with resources to enhance their research and collaboration efforts! Our Common Fund Training & Outreach Team would like your input on what lessons we can design to best achieve these goals in collaboration with your teams and users. Please take a moment to fill out our Google form and let us know where you think we can maximize our impact: CFDE Training and Workshop Survey.

Glygen Demo

The GlyGen team invites you to participate in a short virtual GlyGen demo on April 6, 2021. The 30 minute demo will highlight new mapping and search tools available in GlyGen and powerful ways to explore glycosylation sites and mutations. Here is the link to register for the demo: GlyGen Demo Tickets. The GlyGen team also encourages you to use the contact form at their website to send requests for features to cover during the upcoming demo.

FAIR on the Ground

On April 1st, 2021, the GO FAIR US Team hosted the FAIR on the Ground Webinar. Our own Dr. Amanda Charbonneau, Project Manager for the Common Fund Data Ecosystem gave a talk titled “Operationalizing FAIR at the Common Fund”, and Dr. Laura Biven, Data Science Technical Lead at the Office of Data Science Strategy at NIH, gave a talk titled “Toward a Modern and FAIR Biomedical Data Ecosystem”. Both addressed current FAIR efforts in their respective organizations, and fundamental challenges for FAIR implementation. You can check out their videos and slides at the event page.

Working Group Updates

Anatomy Working Group

The next meeting for the CFDE Anatomy Working Group is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20, 12pm PST/3pm EST. You can see the cAWG Agenda for meeting notes and information on communicating with or joining the group.

Gene Working Group

The next meeting of the Gene Working Group is scheduled tentatively for Wednesday, April 7, 11am PST/2pm EST. You can view the draft charter for more details about the goals and activities proposed for the group. The group has a mailing list and a slack channel for interested members to join and get involved.

Ontology Working Group

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7, at 8am(PST)/11am(EST). Ontology Working Group meetings are scheduled bi-weekly on Wednesdays. You can get involved by joining their mailing list and slack channel.


You can contribute to the next announcements by commenting on the open announcements issue in this repository.

Thank you all for your efforts and have a great week!

Jeremy Walter

CFDE Coordination Team

jeremywalter commented 3 years ago

Data Portal event link: Are you interested in Common Fund data? Come see a 1-hour pop-up demo of newly released CFDE Data Portal that allows you to search across data from HuBMAP, Kids First Data Resource Center, Metabolomics, LINCS, exRNA, GTEx, and HMP from a single website!