nih-cfde / the-fair-cookbook

NIH CFDE project for creating a collection of FAIRification recipes
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Lincs experience patch #51

Closed u8sand closed 2 years ago

u8sand commented 3 years ago


This doesn't work: pip install git+git:// cfde/FAIR.git#egg=c2m2_frictionless&subdirectory=Demos/FrictionlessDataclass

But after some StackOverflowing, I found that this does (change git+git to git+https): pip install git+ cfde/FAIR.git#egg=c2m2_frictionless&subdirectory=Demos/FrictionlessDataclass

I'm happy to share/report this issue to the proper technical forum, whether that's creating a github issue or interfacing directly with the tech team.

Another more encompassing issue I found with the cookbook is that it's actually a non-functional skeleton of how a cookbook might look with pretty key parts missing. For example, the lincs_fetchdata_iter() function--which in theory is responsible for fetching LINCS data assets the tutorial is using to demonstrate C2M2 conversion--is just an empty placeholder. It's entirely possible this was intentional and the LINCS crew understandably didn't want to explain to the public how to ping their API a bunch of times. In either case, I just wanted to bring it to your attention in case you all were thinking this was a true cookbook example that a na've user could easily run to get a more intuitive understanding of C2M2 mechanics.


We can certainly address some of these issues.. just to address them off the bat and we can decide how to proceed:

This doesn't work: pip install git+git:// cfde/FAIR.git#egg=c2m2_frictionless&subdirectory=Demos/FrictionlessDataclass But after some StackOverflowing, I found that this does (change git+git to git+https): pip install git+ cfde/FAIR.git#egg=c2m2_frictionless&subdirectory=Demos/FrictionlessDataclass

This does work assuming you have git+ssh setup on your system as you might need to clone the repository.

Another more encompassing issue I found with the cookbook is that it's actually a non-functional

skeleton of how a cookbook might look with pretty key parts missing. For example, the lincs_fetchdata_iter() function--which in theory is responsible for fetching LINCS data assets the tutorial is using to demonstrate C2M2 conversion--is just an empty placeholder

The cookbook walks through the actual working code available in the repository without completely re-writing it. It describes how to write your own C2M2 conversion, details about LINCS API seem out of scope for anyone elses' API but if they want LINCS API, that code is in the repo..