Closed marisalim closed 3 years ago
Would it be worthwhile to add a new section that lists our flyers and other documents we generate for our workshops ? The color and font info are below. Flyers have been created in Canva.
The Hex color codes for the CFDE palette from the training website:
Fonts Used So Far & Sizes
---> since we don't use these for the training website itself, i think these details can go to our Training Org google drive, where we keep workshop surveys/notes/schedule
e.g., :fontawesome-regular-trash-alt:
specified in mkdocs.yml by:
- pymdownx.emoji:
emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji
emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg
Use the ===
under the titles for landing page. To ensure the contents occupy the full width of the page use
- toc
in the yaml format on top of the page.
Text highlighting is specified in the "extra.css" file with this block:
The color is set to purple website-wide. Use this syntax in markdown files, where the highlighted text here is "File Repository":