Enter a title and short description of the proposed changes. Tag @ACharbonneau or @marisalim for help.
Jose updated the site name to match the one in nih-cfde/usecases.
When submitting a PR for a new use case, please be sure to provide and check the following:
Please place an 'x' between the brackets to indicate a yes answer to the questions below.
For previewing your changes:
[ ] A descriptive title
[ ] Please provide a short description of the changes you're requesting.
[ ] Is this pull request mergeable?
[ ] Did the pull request build checks complete successfully?
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[ ] Check your changes on the preview website. It may take ~30 minutes for the changes to show up.
For requesting final pull request to the master branch:
[ ] A descriptive title
[ ] Please provide a short description of the changes you're requesting.
[ ] Did the changes render as expected on the preview website?
[ ] Request review from @ACharbonneau and @marisalim
Change site name
Enter a title and short description of the proposed changes. Tag @ACharbonneau or @marisalim for help. Jose updated the site name to match the one in nih-cfde/usecases.
When submitting a PR for a new use case, please be sure to provide and check the following:
Please place an 'x' between the brackets to indicate a yes answer to the questions below.
For previewing your changes:
For requesting final pull request to the master branch: