nihgwu / hexo-hey

an admin plugin for hexo
MIT License
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How can I deploy hexo-hey online? #18

Open welkinbai opened 8 years ago

welkinbai commented 8 years ago

I want to deploy my hexo-hey page online in order to write blog everywhere. Now It only can be accessed by localhost:4000/admin. I see has online hexo-hey page,and it works like what I want.How is it done?

nihgwu commented 8 years ago

plz check #16 i hope it will help

welkinbai commented 8 years ago

@nihgwu Hi,my website is deployed on github and gitcafe.I use hexo-deployer-git to deploy my website.So #16 seems can not solve my problem.

nihgwu commented 8 years ago

well, you should use a vps or other server to serve the back-end api

juno249 commented 8 years ago

Can i use hexo-hey on Heroku? like that: to access my admin panel to edit/remove posts

nihgwu commented 8 years ago

@juno249 sure, and that's how hexo-hey works

juno249 commented 8 years ago

@nihgwu Recently, i created new blog. Here. I installed your plugin by:

$ npm install --save hexo-hey

and set config informations. I have the same the problem as @welkinbai. I can access to localhost:4000/admin. After that, i deployed my blog to Heroku. I was not work(( Plz, tell what i can do to resolve it?

nihgwu commented 8 years ago

you have to deploy you hexo on Heroku directly

juno249 commented 8 years ago

@nihgwu how? Can you explain me how to do that?