nihui / cain-ncnn-vulkan

CAIN, Channel Attention Is All You Need for Video Frame Interpolation implemented with ncnn library
MIT License
139 stars 15 forks source link

Precompiled files do not work with linux #1

Closed styler00dollar closed 4 years ago

styler00dollar commented 4 years ago

It is not possible to run the precompiled files in linux. Even a simple help output does not seem to work and the error message seems always the same. I tested all linux builds from "pytorch" in Google Colab and I got this output. The same error appears in "it actually works sometimes".

!./cain-ncnn-vulkan -h

./cain-ncnn-vulkan: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
nihui commented 4 years ago

apt-get install libvulkan

styler00dollar commented 4 years ago
!apt-get install libvulkan
E: Unable to locate package libvulkan

But !sudo apt-get install -y libvulkan-dev works. Thank you. You may want to add this information to the readme. I thought this is only required when it is built from source.

Small sidenote: You should probably place cain-ncnn-vulkan, cain.bin and cain.param in the same zip level or make a small fix, since that code works if all files are in the same folder. The output is a gray interpolated image by default. Currently cain.bin and cain.param are inside /cain and creates this error.

[0 Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB]  queueC=0[16]  queueG=0[16]  queueT=1[1]
[0 Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB]  bugsbn1=0  buglbia=0  bugcopc=0  bugihfa=0
[0 Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB]  fp16p=1  fp16s=1  fp16a=1  int8s=1  int8a=1
fopen cain.param failed
fopen cain.bin failed
find_blob_index_by_name x.1 failed
find_blob_index_by_name x.3 failed
find_blob_index_by_name 4070 failed