[x] set scaling like on console (scale applies to selected images)
[x] some images don't load, for reasons that don't have anything to do with the size, but maybe due to eccentric/broken headeres (in the example I sent you, if I multiply Julia_t2star_centred.nii by 1 with fslmaths it works)?
[x] currently only seems to view in triplanar in the stand-alone implementation - (axial/sag/cor option doesn't seem to work)
[ ] maybe make a clearer space to drop new images (e.g. when the display is full)?
[x] middle button image shift is nice - could there be a reset (like "home zoom/pan" in Siemens Syngo)?
[x] what about adding blue box highlight round 'active' images (the ones current operations e.g. windowing/zoom are applied to)? ctr-a to highlight all?
[x] for multi-echo/multi- time points, could you add the option to pick an echo/tp?
[ ] will it be possible to write out images as pngs, etc?
[ ] Linux thing 1: what would the bash command be to open images?