nikeee / TeamSpeak3QueryApi

.NET wrapper for the TeamSpeak 3 Query API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Prerelease nuget deploy after check-in on master #36

Closed MaximilianAst closed 6 years ago

MaximilianAst commented 6 years ago

How about deploying a prerelease automatically to nuget with each master-branch build. The release versions could be deployed manually?

nikeee commented 6 years ago

I will see if/how we can do this.

MaximilianAst commented 6 years ago

A prerelease nuget is only defined through the nuget version. If you append something with -something, -beta1, -beta2 (--> 1.0.1-beta1) and so on it count as prerelease:

We could use the buildnumber as appendix --> 1.0.1-beta{buildNo}

nikeee commented 6 years ago

We now release every push to master. The version is generated according to Semver spec: E. g. 1.9.0-beta.1, where the last 1 is the number of commits to master since last tag.

MaximilianAst commented 6 years ago

Wow Amazing