nikhilgupta10 / GridLAB-D

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#699 Add display_name to core object structure, #2437

Open nikhilgupta10 opened 7 years ago

nikhilgupta10 commented 7 years ago

Ticket to add a display_name property to the base object class / structure.

In many systems objects in the network model will have a unique identifier that is suitable for the name property. Unfortunately the name is often too long for common use or display in a graphical view.

The purpose of the display_name is to provide a shorter name suitable for display purposes. This will often be a subset or component of the full name. The lack of a display_name value may indicate that the object does not have a well-known name and the name may be based on a GUID or similar.


nikhilgupta10 commented 7 years ago

nikhilgupta10 imported these comments from Sourceforge: The user dchassin does not exist anymore. Therefore assigning this to afisher1. "dchassin":We call it 'nickname' or 'shortname' so that it's clear that it has multiple potential uses but one principle characteristic, i.e., it's much shorter than a full name. I recommend we make it char32 so that we don't run into uniqueness problems too quickly. Even so, this may require we get namespaces working properly so that we can at least enforce uniqueness within a namespace, if not globally.

Also, we should keep in mind that adding such a name may require additional search and index support. I recommend we give this some time to percolate and think carefully about the implications it will have in the core. This should be part of the larger GUI API design effort that address a whole range of UI-related issues, most of which haven't been thought through very carefully yet.


"dchassin":- Description has changed:
