nikhilgupta10 / GridLAB-D

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#804 climate and csv reader, #2539

Closed nikhilgupta10 closed 7 years ago

nikhilgupta10 commented 7 years ago

When eader XXX.csv\ is not specified in \object climate\, a silent unhandled exception occurs. For example:

object climate {

name my_climate;
tmyfile weather.csv;
//reader my_csv;


object csv_reader {

name my_csv;
filename weather.csv;


This needs to be caught with an error message.


nikhilgupta10 commented 7 years ago

nikhilgupta10 imported these comments from Sourceforge: "mhauer":This used to work okay -- it was supposed to detect that there was no reader* in the class, it would create a 'header-less' instance of the csv_reader class and go about its merry way.


"jcfuller":- Description has changed:


Andy - the fix should be to check if the user is trying to specify a certain format. For example: