nikhilgupta10 / GridLAB-D

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#893 Missing data in csv readers is not caught by Wind Turbine, #2619

Open nikhilgupta10 opened 7 years ago

nikhilgupta10 commented 7 years ago

From forum post:

I have a question using the object windturb_dg and using climate data from a csv_reader. As can you seen in my code, when I use the file \WA-Yakima.tmy2\ as climate input data file, I read some correct values from the output of the wind turbine. But, when I change this file and use a csv_reader with some data extracted from the file \WA-Yakima.tmy2\, the output of the wind turbine is always 0. Is there any problem with my code? In my csv_reader I'm using the next climate data: temperature,wind_speed,solar_global,solar_diffuse,solar_direct aiming to simulate a solar object, a house and a wind turbine with my own climate data.


Interesting little bug you've found there. It's actually not the wind speed causing the problem, but the lack of \pressure\ (air pressure) as a variable in the csv reader. We wrote the Wind Turbine model well before there were any thoughts of creating a weather playback (csv reader), and looks like we missed a few error checks.

For now, I recommend adding a pressure column to your csv_reader. Note, the units requested are millibars (I used 1013 for my quick test).

In addition, I'll add a ticket to clean that model up a little and catch for individual missing data, i.e., if pressure == 0, then use a default value but throw a warning.


nikhilgupta10 commented 7 years ago

nikhilgupta10 imported these comments from Sourceforge: The user dchassin does not exist anymore. Therefore assigning this to afisher1. "jcfuller":- Description has changed:


--- old
+++ new
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+From forum post:
+I have a question using the object windturb_dg and using climate data from a csv_reader. As can you seen in my code, when I use the file \WA-Yakima.tmy2\ as climate input data file, I read some correct values from the output of the wind turbine. But, when I change this file and use a csv_reader with some data extracted from the file \WA-Yakima.tmy2\, the output of the wind turbine is always 0. Is there any problem with my code?
+In my csv_reader I'm using the next climate data: temperature,wind_speed,solar_global,solar_diffuse,solar_direct aiming to simulate a solar object, a house and a wind turbine with my own climate data.

 Interesting little bug you've found there.  It's actually not the wind speed causing the problem, but the lack of \pressure\ (air pressure) as a variable in the csv reader.  We wrote the Wind Turbine model well before there were any thoughts of creating a weather playback (csv reader), and looks like we missed a few error checks.


"dchassin":- Status: new --> unassigned ,

"dchassin":- assigned_to: David P. Chassin ,