nikhilkalige / docblockr

DocBlockr is a package for Atom which is designed to make writing documentation faster and easier.
MIT License
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Customise output #31

Open techhazard opened 9 years ago

techhazard commented 9 years ago

I'd really like to customise the default output. Something like how the extra tags is defined, but including the default tags like description (or perhaps just an on/off switch for the parameters). And with a reset button to get back the defaults.

I've already pulled the repo and am looking into it, but I've got no experience in JS or CS, only in C++ and a little PHP.

techhazard commented 9 years ago

I personally prefer this:

 * @function [function name]
 * @brief    [brief description]
 * @detail   [detailed descr]
 * @param    {type} {name} [descr]
 *  "..."
 * @return   {type} [descr]
 * @pre      [precondition]
 * @post     [postcondition]
 * @author   [name]
 * @email    [email]

So I hope you see my desire to customise the output.

lukasoppermann commented 9 years ago

I would also like to customise the output, although I rather want to have less info, in contrast to @awesomefireduck.

kankaristo commented 9 years ago

It would also be nice to be able to customize the tag format.

We use Sphinx, which uses the following format:

 * Brief description.
 * Longer description.
 * :param parameterA: Parameter description.
 * :param parameterB: Parameter description.
 * :returns: Description of return value.

@return can already be customized, but @param and others can't be.

Also, customizing the "trigger" (/**) would be nice. We have an internal tool, which actually uses /*!.

hikerpig commented 9 years ago

We write coffeescript and use codo as doc generator, it would be nice to be able to customize the form of comments. Replace the * with #

    # Given a obj and a nested keyname, return the value
    # Safe from errors
    # @param {Object} obj
    # @param {String} key
    # @return by default is undefined
    getVal = (obj, key) ->
      unless obj then return obj
      keyAttr = key.split('.')
      val = obj

      for k in keyAttr
        if val and val.hasOwnProperty(k)
          val = val[k]
          return undefined
MoritzKn commented 7 years ago

Docblockr already has a few configurations to change the output style and all of them are error-prone, because this configurations have to be considered in many places. But customizing the output is a heavily requested feature. Currently these issues request a more specific but similar functionality:

We should think about how to realize these customizations without introducing too many special cases.

techhazard commented 7 years ago

I no longer use Atom, so this isn't an issue for me. Good luck with this!

lukasoppermann commented 7 years ago

I still use it with dockblockr and would appreciate this feature.

glfmn commented 6 years ago

223 is also relevant to this