nikiluk / automate-ookla-speedtest

With this PowerShell script you can easily use Ookla Speedtest® CLI to measure internet connection performance metrics like download, upload, latency and packet loss natively without relying on a web browser.
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Connection with Speedtest account #9

Open rudolphos opened 1 year ago

rudolphos commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to connect speedtest account, so all the data is stored in speedtest profile as well (not just locally)? I can't seem to find much about speedtest cli possibilities, other than a few cmd, which doesn't list any way to connect & upload results back to speedtest account.

Speedtest by Ookla is the official command line client for testing the speed and performance of your internet connection.

Version: speedtest

Usage: speedtest [<options>]
  -h, --help                        Print usage information
  -V, --version                     Print version number
  -L, --servers                     List nearest servers
  -s, --server-id=#                 Specify a server from the server list using its id
  -I, --interface=ARG               Attempt to bind to the specified interface when connecting to servers
  -i, --ip=ARG                      Attempt to bind to the specified IP address when connecting to servers
  -o, --host=ARG                    Specify a server, from the server list, using its host's fully qualified domain name
  -p, --progress=yes|no             Enable or disable progress bar (Note: only available for 'human-readable'
                                    or 'json' and defaults to yes when interactive)
  -P, --precision=#                 Number of decimals to use (0-8, default=2)
  -f, --format=ARG                  Output format (see below for valid formats)
      --progress-update-interval=#  Progress update interval (100-1000 milliseconds)
  -u, --unit[=ARG]                  Output unit for displaying speeds (Note: this is only applicable
                                    for ΓÇÿhuman-readableΓÇÖ output format and the default unit is Mbps)
  -a                                Shortcut for [-u auto-decimal-bits]
  -A                                Shortcut for [-u auto-decimal-bytes]
  -b                                Shortcut for [-u auto-binary-bits]
  -B                                Shortcut for [-u auto-binary-bytes]
      --selection-details           Show server selection details
  -v                                Logging verbosity. Specify multiple times for higher verbosity
      --output-header               Show output header for CSV and TSV formats

 Valid output formats: human-readable (default), csv, tsv, json, jsonl, json-pretty

 Machine readable formats (csv, tsv, json, jsonl, json-pretty) use bytes as the unit of measure with max precision

 Valid units for [-u] flag:
   Decimal prefix, bits per second:  bps, kbps, Mbps, Gbps
   Decimal prefix, bytes per second: B/s, kB/s, MB/s, GB/s
   Binary prefix, bits per second:   kibps, Mibps, Gibps
   Binary prefix, bytes per second:  kiB/s, MiB/s, GiB/s
   Auto-scaled prefix: auto-binary-bits, auto-binary-bytes, auto-decimal-bits, auto-decimal-bytes