nikita36078 / J2ME-Loader

A J2ME emulator for Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: Custom soundfont #1007

Closed lucmsilva651 closed 8 months ago

lucmsilva651 commented 9 months ago

Quick summary

A option on the settings menu to change the default Android soundfont to a custom one for emulation.


My feature request is: Implement a feature in the settings menu or in the game properties menu which you can select the default soundfont for the game emulation.

An Hipotetical Example: "I have Asphalt 6 installed and I prefer to use a custom soundfont because it sounds better." In the options menu (or the game properties, but it's other case and method suggestion) you can add a option for choosing my default soundfont. But in the options menu case, the custom soundfont implements in all games installed on the emulator.

In the custom game properties menu to implement custom soundfonts, each game has your soundfont. I can choose the default soundfont of Android or choose my custom soundfont for playing the game. Example: Game A -> Soundfont A | Game B -> Soundfont B | Game C -> Default soundfont

I hope you guys will add one of this features (or both), it's very requested for the people I know. And sorry for a bad typo, English isn't my main language and I don't prefer the use of translators.

Desuoka commented 9 months ago


woesss commented 9 months ago

Duplicate of #569