nikita36078 / J2ME-Loader

A J2ME emulator for Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Burning skies does not play well. #1039

Open Adguarduser9 opened 3 months ago

Adguarduser9 commented 3 months ago

Emulator version


Game version


Game resolution



Samsung Galaxy A6 plus

Android version

Android 10

Description of the issue

When the game opens and is played, the game automatically runs extremely rapid instead of being at its normal speed and finishes at a very short time instead of finishing when a player makes any mistake while playing.

Here is the game link :

woesss commented 3 months ago

Set FPS limit. In many games, the speed depends on the screen refresh rate, which was much lower in older phones.

Adguarduser9 commented 3 months ago

Set FPS limit. In many games, the speed depends on the screen refresh rate, which was much lower in older phones.

I have limited FPS to 30. Now its working fine but is this the only solution for this problem ? Can't this game be played normally without setting FPS ? Maybe the FPS I have set is not its actual FPS and the game maybe running slower than it should.

May I know why this game requires FPS and other games don't to function normally ?

woesss commented 3 months ago

I have already said: the speed of this game depends on the screen refresh rate (the game developer did this, for what reasons - he only knows). Accordingly, it can be corrected only by lowering this very rate. Most games are developed for a specific phone model and depend on its technical characteristics (at least screen resolution). Therefore, sometimes you need to know which model the game is designed for in order to configure it correctly or even launch it at all.