nikita6187 / NEC

Our blockchain practical for the NEC challenge
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Client Template "No connection adapters were found" #23

Closed nikita6187 closed 4 years ago

nikita6187 commented 4 years ago

Bug as default addresses were without "http://".

Here's a fix, needs to be added into master.

addr_oo = "http://localhost:11500"
addr_mo_server = "http://localhost:11600"
addr_mo_user_api = "http://localhost:11620"
addr_dc = "http://localhost:11700"
addr_user = "http://localhost:11800"
addr_agg = "http://localhost:11900"

# HF connection config
addr_hf_api = "http://localhost:4000"
nikita6187 commented 4 years ago

Everybody has updated by now.