nikita6187 / NEC

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"/fabric/api-2.0/" config files missing #3

Closed nikita6187 closed 4 years ago

nikita6187 commented 4 years ago

In /fabric/api-2.0 the files for org3 are missing, i.e. "connection-org3.yaml" and "connection-org3.json". Additionally, it seems that the setup for CA for org2 has some incorrect settings.

The errors come up when using this folder for enrolling an admin user, as seen in the branch "QueryContract" when running node /fabric_api/query/enrollAdmin.js 2 or node /fabric_api/query/enrollAdmin.js 3.

EDIT: For Org1 there are SSL certificate problems when interacting with the network.

I just found that these files (including org1 ones) are the same as in the original repo, i.e. we need to generate them for our orgs so that their certificates are correct.

I have not found where these files are generated. Does anybody know? @stefko3z maybe?

stefko3z commented 4 years ago

Should be fixed in new pull request.