nikitabobko / AeroSpace

AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS
MIT License
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qutebrowser doesn't tile (when decorations are disabled) #276

Open agenttank opened 3 weeks ago

agenttank commented 3 weeks ago


thank you for this great tool :) finally I can stop using a linux VM with i3 on my mac!

i really need qutebrowser as well, but I can not create a second windows on the same workspace where qutebrowser is. it just places the new window over qutebrowser completely covering qutebrowser.

debug-windows output:

i hope there's an easy fix for that - a few days ago I've seen someone mentioning "qutebrowser is misbehaving" but I can not find it anymore. it sounded a bit like this issue.

agenttank commented 3 weeks ago

ah, it has to do with decorations. when decorations are enabled, it DOES work :)

i found this - seems to be related:

not sure how to fix it though (having it work WITHOUT decorations)

nikitabobko commented 3 weeks ago

qutebrwoser is known to be misbehaving. Please see:

I recommend to keep decorations enabled. Maybe it's possible to make qutebrowser work correctly with decorations disabled, but I'm not interested to investiage this. PRs are welcome though! (The solution doesn't need to be generic. I'm ok writing a completely custom logic for popular apps. qutebrowser is popular enough)

I already have a bit of custom logic for some apps in MacWindow.swift

agenttank commented 3 weeks ago

gotcha, i wonder why I wasnt able to find the qutebrowser issues prior... there obviously are issues with exactly the same topic. sorry :)

edit: adding this to the end of .aerospace.toml does work perfectly fine for now for me:

[[on-window-detected]] = 'org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser' run = 'layout tiling'