nikitabobko / AeroSpace

AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS
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[Discussion] Merging Chrome tabs #332

Open mike1808 opened 1 month ago

mike1808 commented 1 month ago

I wanted to discuss with users of Aerospace how they merge Chrome tabs together. The usual way to do it is to drag the tab and drop it in the window where you want the tab to go. However, with Aerospace as soon you deattach the tab from the window Chrome makes a separate window and Aersopace tries to align it. I wanted to know what can be done to make merging Chrome tabs easier with Aerospace. Possibly ignore the window that being dragged?

P.S. There are no problems with Firefox because it doesn't create a window when trying to move the tab.

jamsajones commented 1 month ago

I use this Chrome extension. Better than drag and drop any day.

nikitabobko commented 1 month ago

And I can also recommend to extract the current tab as a popup

When I wait for something to complete (CI to complete, Slack message to arrive, Delivery page with a progress bar), I tend to extract the tab and put it as a standalone window to the external monitor as a dashboard