nikitakatchik / smarttv-twitch

Twitch app for Samsung Smart TV
GNU General Public License v3.0
290 stars 84 forks source link

Only black screen, twitch logo and tooltip (JS issues) #4

Open Goschi opened 10 years ago

Goschi commented 10 years ago

The App is not working on my UE40D8000YS, I've got only a purple background with the twitch logo in the top left corner.

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

Try the new version, it might fix your problem. Also make sure your TV is connected to the internet.

Goschi commented 10 years ago

Hey, thanks for the work, but it didn't fix the problem, i have still the purple background with the twitch logo, but now with the 4 coloured buttons on the top right corner and I'm connected to the internet, Or are there some special ports I have to open for twitch?

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

No, I guess port is just 80 for HTTP (both content and streaming)

Candagrm commented 10 years ago

I have this same problem on a UN46D8000. The update did add the 4 colored buttons to the top right, as mentioned, but still just a purple screen with a Twitch logo in the top left.

MartinP7r commented 10 years ago

Same Problem with Samsung UE40D5700 RSX7G (Version 03) Purple Background, twitch logo, 4 colored buttons on top right. Doesn't react to any button press.

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

Guys, could someone having this problem download the SDK and investigate? The fix might be very simple.

Goschi commented 10 years ago

I wanted to, but i didnt magage to do it right, is there a good tutorial on how to set up everything correctly?

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

It must be as simple as download the SDK and use 'import existing project into workspace' option. To test use project->export and choose SmartTV App, and then use exported package to install the same way as the 1.0 release.

What was your problem exactly?

Goschi commented 10 years ago

Can't I run it with Samsung Smart TV emulator? I found out, that there sould be a problem with the SceneBrowser.html. The last div from line 177 to 180 isnt loading, I don't know if that helps you

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

Can't I run it with Samsung Smart TV emulator?

You can but it is pretty pointless

I found out, that there sould be a problem with the SceneBrowser.html. The last div from line 177 to 180 isnt loading, I don't know if that helps you

Is this happening on the emulator? For me everything works fine (version 5.0B).

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

Ah, I misunderstood you. It is totally okay. This div is only displayed in mode C (Go to) as I wanted to avoid changing scenes.

By the way, the fact that pressing C doesn't change layout means there is a javascript exception during startup

Mysrt commented 10 years ago

Also not working on my 55D8000Y. Tried updating firmware didn't help. Attempting to install SDK but it's not very simple.

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

Installing SDK is easy. Just download "SDK IDE Download for YOUR_OS" from this page You don't need to download or configure emulator as there is no need to test on it

Mysrt commented 10 years ago

How do I run the code without the emulator? Seems pretty difficult to fix a problem that I'll have no ability to reproduce

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

If this problem could be reproduced on the emulator I wouldn't ask you guys to investigate :) To reproduce the problem you need to export installation package using SDK IDE and then install it on your TV. Here is link for the old installation instructions: You can use this widgetlist.xml but don't forget to change the IP:

Mysrt commented 10 years ago

Is there anyway to get to an error console from the TV? How will I know what's actually failing? (my current theory is the older smarthub versions are running an older version of IE for running JS that is causing the problems.)

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

Yes, enable TV Log an then go to console view untitled-1 For logs to actually show up you need to set IP Setting on your TV (same option that is used for app sync) to match IP of the machine you are running SDK IDE on.

robotroll commented 10 years ago

Will do so next week

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

I think I have an idea. Recently I had high delay retrieving json response from twitch API on my laptop. At the same time I had same issues like you people on my TV. Continuous refreshing sometimes helped.

So the theory is that setting high timeout value of XMLHttpRequest instance should completely solve the problem. If it does I will move HTTP requests to background and set very high timeout value.

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

Hi all,

Did the latest update fix the no-content problem?

robotroll commented 10 years ago

Nope still not working. Maybe i can finally get you the logs this weekend...

Goschi commented 10 years ago

Hi there, I'm sorry, I tried to have a look at the source code, but my programming stills are limited and it would take me too much time to understand it. I just wanted to say, that the purple blackground has changed into black and there is a little white rectangle in the middle of the screen in the release 3. Sorry that I can't help you more.

robotroll commented 10 years ago

Hi, i tried to get the logs today with no success. Can you point me to a decent howto? OS Ubuntu 14. Regards, Robin

robotroll commented 10 years ago

Some heads up. I can now download the app to the tv from my local machine. But when i try to start the application on the tv it's connecting forever. Also there is not a single line of output in the console of my eclipse aka samsung sdk. Yes, i enabled the logging... Any suggestions? Regards, Robin

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

But when i try to start the application on the tv it's connecting forever.

So the app is installed 100% successfully but then you can't connect? My only idea here is you are using different SDK version. I'm using 5.0 Beta.

Also there is not a single line of output in the console of my eclipse aka samsung sdk.

Make sure that the sync IP on your TV matches IP of the machine running the SDK and that your firewall is not blocking the connection. You might have to try multiple times for it to work.

ghost commented 10 years ago

I could try to download the SDK and get a logfile tomorrow, I have the same problem. However, I haven't tried version 3 yet.

robotroll commented 10 years ago

Success! I was able to create the log file today. The problem was indeed a wrong SDK version. I used 5.1 instead of 5.0. Here is the logfile:

Just let me know, if you need me to do anything else.

Warning to everyone else trying to publish their logs. The log contains your usernames and passworts for all assosiated accounts(Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in plain text! Be sure to remove them before you upload any logs.

Regards, Robin

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately I can't see any error messages after line 282

ghost commented 10 years ago

Just to let you know, the newest version works on my UE40ES6300. So I can't provide any logs ;)

robotroll commented 10 years ago

It's still not working on my tv. Can i provide you some other informations to solve this problem?

ghost commented 10 years ago

Wanted to watch All-Stars yesterday but it freezes again, a huge letdown. Maybe I'm going to make a log with the SDK.

Viral commented 10 years ago

app is not working for me either. I get the Twitch at the top left, the 4 button icons at the top right, and then a tiny white box in the center. nothing else...

latest firmware and tv is UN55D6000SF

here is log -

Bleash commented 10 years ago

I have exactly then same issue as Viral.

latest firmware and tv is UE55D8000Y

spideyx commented 10 years ago

Having the same issue with latest FW. UE32D5500RWXXH

Hurix commented 10 years ago

Same issue. UE46D5700RSXZG Tracked it down with debugging output, please fallback to xmlHttp.onreadystatechange instead of onload. It's old but onload is not working. Also, I got a "ReferenceError JSON is not defined" and changed that to use jQuery.parseJSON() instead of JSON.parse(). This yields to a properly viewable grid of streams.

Altho, I am still having navigation issues where I get lost about which stream I'm currently navigating at. But that is likely not related to this ticket. As well as my inability to watch a stream, since the screen stays black with a grey bar at the bottom.

Going to look further into this apps code and trying to optimize for my TV.

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

Hi @Hurix,

That's some great news I think we should discuss all of the broken JS Web API in this thread. Looking forward to hearing more about your progress

Hurix commented 10 years ago

In terms of broken js Web API there isnt more to it, yet. Needs just those fixes in both scenes.

At the moment, I struggle with the regex that extracts the stream quality. The other two regexes can be replaced but this one seems a-ok choice. Sadly it just wont work like it should. I suspect another bug in the Web API and will try to parse that info differently.

By faking this last feature, I managed to get the streaming working.

Still, many flaws to fix. Hope you don't mind when I refactor the xhr code into a separate structure and try to get it all less redundant. Don't quite know where this is going, yet.

nikitakatchik commented 10 years ago

@Hurix You are doing great, waiting for your pull request

Mr-Cake commented 10 years ago

I'm having similar issue to everyone else. Tried to get 5.1dev kit, it wouldn't load properly in eclipse, so went back to 3.5.2 the emulator actually reproduces what i see on the tv (2011 Smart). The emulator won't start in debug mode. I'm going to play around more.

Edit: works with 2012 emulator, not 2011 on my pc.

Hurix commented 10 years ago

That white block is because of the old Maple browser which is not capable of CSS3. I have replaced that with a loading GIF for me. To fix the main loading issues, do the changes I described in my first reply. I can try pull requests on github soon.

Mr-Cake commented 10 years ago

Nicely done hurix, working on my tv right now. Thanks.

Can't pm you so it'll have to be here. Are you looking into the navigation bugs? The caption for each channel is out by one row vertically here, and that scrolling isssue.