nikitamalinov / vscode

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Floating Window Navigation #1

Open nikitamalinov opened 4 months ago

nikitamalinov commented 4 months ago

I would like to request floating windows behave (in terms of navigation) as if it were it's own workspace, per se.


As a user, if I execute the command workbench.action.focusFirstEditorGroup I expect the focus be shifted to the currently active window's first editor group, regardless if it's a floating window or not.

Currently what happens is if I have Window A, say we call it window_for_source_editing where text is typed, and I then I also have Window B (a floating window of the same workspace) in a different monitor, say called window_for_terminal_and_outputs where window_for_terminal_and_outputs.groups[1] is a terminal in an editor area, and window_for_terminal_and_outputs.groups[0] is text output of some kind based on launched executable

To visualize:


Window for Source Editing ------------


Floating Window
someoutput.txt pwsh
foobar PS: ~/Home>Get-❚

When my cursor is actively focused on the terminal in window_for_terminal_and_outputs.groups[1] and I press CTRL+1 my brain intuitively thinks it will navigate to window_for_terminal_and_outputs.groups[0]

Instead I have to calculate where I'm at, which floating window (also consider more than 1 floating window exists) has or doesn't have that a particular group editor, it's too much thought for something that feels like it should be intuitively done based on my previous uses of vscode.

I have reviewed previous issues and the only one related I could find is

I would argue, if anything, this illuminates the need for a workspace/user setting configuration for this to toggle how editor related sizing/groups/navigation happen within floating windows since I don't want what wants and it would be safe to assume those types of users don't want what I want

The reason this feels so unintuitive for me personally is because windows are usually managed by a window manager (or you just already have your certain OS's keybinds baked into memory), so I would think most developers are using window management keybinds to switch between windows (which these technically are). My vote is that that problem is already solved in terms of switching back and forth between floating windows and so the focus/navigation should be window aware

So the ask is to add a configuration setting to opt-in to how this currently works, defaulting to what I consider the more 'intuitive' way, or vice versa

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