nikitasius / Telegraher

Telegram fork with blackjack and hookers
GNU General Public License v2.0
606 stars 46 forks source link

TODO ideas/requests from TG/4pda/folksinperson #17

Open nikitasius opened 2 years ago

nikitasius commented 2 years ago
alvkN commented 2 years ago

you can use implementation of 5 from CatoX, it better than neko and others (swipe back doesn't open hidden ALL tab)

nikitasius commented 2 years ago

you can use implementation of 5 from CatoX, it better than neko and others (swipe back doesn't open hidden ALL tab)

Thanks i will check for this :+1:

OshekharO commented 2 years ago

@nikitasius check this out

b3pio commented 2 years ago

@nikitasius Any chance to publish on F-droid / IzzyOnDroid repo? Also can you consider removing Google.Firebase?

nikitasius commented 2 years ago

@OshekharO cool :+1:

~~@b3pio it's a good idea. Actually TG want us to stop. I sent them some questions and i need their answers. When they will answer me i will tell you better. Their answer will be shared with the chat (TG and Matrix). For me safety of users is the most important but some features can show different app behavior and signal "hey, it;s probably telegraher". So, if there are no negociations with TG some future features cannot be implemented because they will expose us. But if there are negociations i will tell in chat simply "what do you prefer folks, have feature A and B or have app in fdroid?" sure if nothing from fdroid can ban us.~~ @b3pio answer is below

nikitasius commented 2 years ago

Well, i spoken with a Barinsta dev and looks like fdroid will not remove us if TG will ask them. Sounds good. I will prepare the app for fdroid. Hope it they will be able to build is fine.

But remember:

b3pio commented 2 years ago

@nikitasius this is great news! you may need to remove this from code for f-droid approval.

Google Firebase Analytics

*Google Firebase Analytics

nikitasius commented 2 years ago

@nikitasius this is great news! you may need to remove this from code for f-droid approval.

Google Firebase Analytics

*Google Firebase Analytics

Hi, yep. I wanna clean it a bit.

Rush-er commented 2 years ago

@nikitasius Thanks for the amazing client ! I found a issue / feature missing, i'm currenty on a microg system and GMAPS does't work.

It's possibile to add support for OSM map provider like in Telegram Foss or NekoX ?

nikitasius commented 2 years ago

@OshekharO well about your list:

ghost commented 2 years ago

@nikitasius just make your own f-droid repo...

b3pio commented 2 years ago

@AlbertEienstein, @IzzySoft 's repo would probably be a better option than maintaining his own repo for less work and more exposure for users to find this app. So either Izzys can be the repo it lives on or just as a stepping stone to main f-droid repo.

ghost commented 2 years ago

@AlbertEienstein, @IzzySoft 's repo would probably be a better option than maintaining his own repo for less work and more exposure for users to find this app. So either Izzys can be the repo it lives on or just as a stepping stone to main f-droid repo.

or Just A in-app updater so app can be downloaded via github releases and be updated automatically?

b3pio commented 2 years ago

@AlbertEienstein, @IzzySoft 's repo would probably be a better option than maintaining his own repo for less work and more exposure for users to find this app. So either Izzys can be the repo it lives on or just as a stepping stone to main f-droid repo.

or Just A in-app updater so app can be downloaded via github releases and be updated automatically?

If its published on Izzys repo then it keeps same dev keys as github release so it will then work either way you install. Its not signed with different keys like it would be in f-droid main repo.

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

All true what @b3pio writes. But keep in mind that the per-app size limit in my repo is 30M – even the smallest current APK is already beyond that. As apps tend to rather grow than shrink, I'm hesitant adding an app that's already over this limit to start with.

nikitasius commented 2 years ago

Hi folks, thanks for a good ideas here :+1: @AlbertEienstein it;s interresting but while there are many other passionate folks who do it better than me, it's great. @IzzySoft repo sounds good. @b3pio i will try to clean this fork (remove completely fcm) and to see what will be changed and how it will affect the final size. If i will use my own keys (actually this repo use the default keys, everyone knows them), i will generate them and i will add into github secrets (if i use CI/CD here). Actually i did not changed it because idk if it goes to fdroid or any another repo (and another repos can build and sign with their own keys).

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

@nikitasius seeing your enthusiasm, I certainly don't want to be the one on the brakes here. 30M is no hard limit (it's because all this runs on my personal resources only and I somehow have to limit it); 32M would be a technical limit (for uploading the file to VirusTotal via their APIv2 which I use, to have it scanned), but as long as exceptions are few I can work around that (using some v3 calls I've implemented). So those 2M are mostly a safety buffer.

TL;DR: if you can get the size down a bit that would be great, but if it's a little (!) over 30M I can close an eye or two on that. Let me know then, and I'll take a look if the other conditions are met – when you're ready.

Concerning FCM: May I feed your enthusiasm by pointing you to some alternative push services like @UnifiedPush – or if needed, also to full Firebase alternatives like appwrite or Supabase? :smiley:

nikitasius commented 2 years ago

Concerning FCM

Hi, @IzzySoft recently i removed the FCM :) picked some useful stuff from the foss one, include osmand maps.

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

Hi @nikitasius – thanks for the heads-up! I just took a quick look: we're getting close. It's slightly beyond the size limit, but as pointed out I can close an eye on that. I just picked the armeabi build, but my library scanner still complains:

Offending libs:
* Android Vision (/com/google/android/gms/vision): NonFreeDep
* Google Mobile Services (/com/google/android/gms): NonFreeDep
* Firebase (/com/google/firebase): NonFreeNet,NonFreeDep
* ML Kit (/com/google/mlkit): NonFreeDep,Tracking

4 offenders.

Vision is probably pulled in by ML Kit. So are Firebase and GMS. All of them are proprietary/non-free. I'm not sure what you use them for, so I cannot name potential replacements. But Tracking with a personal/private messenger is not the best idea I'd say, so it would be good to get rid of ML Kit.

For the listing I'd also need some description and screenshots, ideally provided via Fastlane structures in the app's repo here (so you can easily adjust them whenever you feel the need, and my updater can take care to pull that automatically with the next release).

To make your donation links easier to discover, you could use a .github/FUNDING.yml (which my updater then would take care for as well). That's a Github standard, and yours would look like this:

custom: ['',''] # up to 4 custom URLs

They seem to have no field for BTC or other crypto, and I currently cannot find the documentation. Other available fields would include:

github: # Replace with up to 4 GitHub Sponsors-enabled usernames e.g., [user1, user2]
patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username
ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username
tidelift: # Replace with a single Tidelift platform-name/package-name e.g., npm/babel
community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
liberapay: # Replace with your Liberapay user name
issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username
heller390 commented 2 years ago

@nikitasius Is there the option to disable content filtering ?! I am unable to find it out.

nikitasius commented 2 years ago

@heller390 you mean same like desktop have? i did not added it nor checked how does it work. By default we ignore all what we can ignore. But i will take a look to this option.

Actually you can use tg desktop on linux to disable it.

heller390 commented 2 years ago

@heller390 you mean same like desktop have? i did not added it nor checked how does it work. By default we ignore all what we can ignore. But i will take a look to this option.

Actually you can use tg desktop on linux to disable it.

It would be highly helpful if u can add a toggle in telegrapher settings in the upcoming build.

TeaqariaWTF commented 2 years ago

Can translation feature be added from owlGram? The Owlgram translation feature is very good. There is a vibration that occurs when switching between channels by swiping.Can this vibration feature be disabled in Nekox?

TeaqariaWTF commented 2 years ago

Screenshot_20220604-072341_OwlGram While saving a file to the device, we wait for the download to complete, just like this. Nekox also has a download manager, we don't have to wait on this screen while downloading

TearsOfTheEarth commented 2 years ago


Cheers for the quick reaction removal. A few suggestions if I may:

nikitasius commented 2 years ago

Hi, @IzzySoft , if you're still intrerresting, i will be glad to integrate with your repo. Normally i removed non-foss trash from client. Actual betas aren't on github's CI/CD (cause if i will share them via github folks will think that it's release, even if i mentioned beta...), so here are the APKs, built on a server, you can analyze them:

The release will be in github releases via github actions.

Also some handy changes:

Also, because new version will not work as an update for the old ones i wanna change app signature. I will make my own certificates for this. The purpose:

Also why i find good to use your repo:

nikitasius commented 2 years ago

image Also it could be a bundle, just 1 apk with all architectures. apk size is x2, but installed size +60Mb more.

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

so here are the APKs, built on a server, you can analyze them

My APK library scanner confirms there seem to be no offending libs. But unfortunately the APKs are 35M+ – which is beyond the limit of 30M per application in my repo. This might be due to the beta having some additional debug code in, I cannot tell.

i wanna change readme/description

ideally, set up Fastlane structures with the app's repo, so you're in control of how the app is presented. For formatting of the full description, you can find some hints here.

there are 4 apks

I can only pick one per package name.

because new version will not work as an update for the old ones i wanna change app signature.

In that case, consider changing package name (applicationId) instead/too to avoid confusion.

why i find good to use your repo

Thanks – and yes, that was part of the idea: keeping the barriers low. But at the same time, keeping the door to open and focused, if possible :wink:

MasterKia commented 1 year ago

How to detect if a message is advertisement? If the message contains links or usernames to other Telegram channels then it's possibly an advertisement.