nikitastupin / clairvoyance

Obtain GraphQL API schema even if the introspection is disabled
Apache License 2.0
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500 internal server error #100

Open 649abhinav opened 1 month ago

649abhinav commented 1 month ago

Hey tool showing 500 ERROR on loop, i then burp Intercepted my clairvoyance traffic clairvoyance -H "Authorization: Bearer" -H "X-api-key:" -x "127.1:8080" -k Body it sending
{"query": "query { reporting essential myself tours platform load affiliate labor immediately admin nursing defense machines designated tags heavy covered recovery joe guys integrated configuration merchant comprehensive expert universal protect drop solid cds presentation languages became orange compliance vehicles prevent theme rich im campaign marine improvement vs guitar finding pennsylvania examples ipod saying spirit ar claims challenge motorola acceptance strategies mo seem affairs touch intended towards sa }"} Response

HTTP/2 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

{"errors":[{"message":"Too many validation errors, error limit reached. Validation aborted.","extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"}}]}

but sending manually this it works: {"query": "query { along among death writing speed }"}

Privat33r-dev commented 1 week ago

Sorry for late response, but I speculate that it's related to the response length and in this case we should reduce amount of words that the clairvoyance tries. Definitely worth to put on our TODO list. Thank you for the report.

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