nikitkarki / RTVMS

Road Traffic Violation Management System
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Update Violation table to have column violation_type and create queries for inserting the following records #22

Closed karkiriks closed 6 years ago

karkiriks commented 6 years ago

violation_type | violationCharge | violationDescription   | RoadSigns | 500 | Failure to follow traffic lights   | RoadSigns | 500 | Failure to follow road lane laws   | RoadSigns | 500 | Failure to follow No Entry and/or One Way sign   | RoadSigns | 500 | Failure to follow Road Lines Marking   | Vehicle | 1000 | Vehicle Body Illegally Modified   | Vehicle | 1000 | Passengers more than legally permitted   | Vehicle | 500 | Violated Motorcycle Helmet policy   | Vehicle | 500 | Vehicle Lights Illegally Modified/ Not in function   | Vehicle | 500 | Vehicle Number Plates not clear   | Vehicle | 500 | Vehicle Bluebook not carried   | Vehicle | 1500 | Public Vehicle not stopping at bus-stop for passengers   | Vehicle | 1500 | Operating Vehicle physically not safe in condition   | Driver | 1000 | Operating Vehicle without a Licence   | Driver | 1000 | Operating Vehicle without a Valid Licence   | Driver | 5000 | Operating Vehicle under influence of alcohol   | Driver | 2000 | Operating Vehicle in a reckless manner   | Driver | 1000 | Overspeeding than the posted Speed Limit   | Driver | 1000 | Valid bluebook not in possesion of driver

nikitkarki commented 6 years ago
