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Link to master thesis on DWorlds is broken #2

Open LinqLover opened 3 days ago

LinqLover commented 3 days ago

Hi @nikku, recently I could still access your master thesis through this link:

Now it's unfortunately broken (404 Not Found) :(

Is it possible to publish this work again, as I was going to cite it? Unfortunately, I do not even have a local copy. If you do not want your thesis to be publicly available any longer, could you maybe send me a private copy via DM? (

This page still points to the broken link:

nikku commented 3 days ago

@LinqLover I'll see if I can restore it, and fix the link in the process. Thanks!

What do you work on right now?

LinqLover commented 3 days ago

Thank you :-)

What do you work on right now?

Right at the moment, Worlds and DWorlds are just a footnote for my research on an exploratory programming agent ( The agent uses GPT-4 for talking to Smalltalk objects in natural language, programmers ask conceptual questions and the agent executes Smalltalk code to answer the questions. It would be a useful safety net to capture the side effects of AI-generated do-its in a separate world until the programmer accepts them. Paper and master thesis are not yet published, let me know if you want more details :D

Besides that, your work is actually more relevant to a simple Sandbox ( and a time-travel debugger ( (which also uses an isolation mechanism for queries over state changes) I worked on earlier. There is also some other ongoing research at @hpi-swa on exploring multiple versions of programs in parallel with Babylonian Programming examples. And Robert is dreaming of a generic undo mechanism for do-its in Squeak. So many exciting dots to connect. :-)