niklas-heer / speed-comparison

A repo which compares the speed of different programming languages.
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Run for more rounds? #35

Closed mcabbott closed 1 year ago

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Running this longer gives about 3 more digits of accuracy:

julia> e3 = f(10^3) - pi

julia> e6 = f(10^6) - pi

julia> e9 = f(10^9) - pi

julia> e3 / e6

julia> e6 / e9

It also changes it from a measure of startup time to a measure of computation time. This certainly matters for Julia, #22, and perhaps also for Java, LuaJit, PyPy?

Edit: second commit has this CI run which took 50 mins, and produced this:


That's rounds = 10^9. See here below for rounds = 10^8.

niklas-heer commented 1 year ago

Mhm... the CI has been running for ~20 minutes. This is definitely too much. Maybe we could then also reduce the number of times it executes the programs from 10 to 3 to determine the best average?

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Or set it to 1 for slow languages?

Moelf commented 1 year ago

This is definitely too much.

well, so each time can be separated into two parts:

for Julia, the "fixed overhead" is like 80ms, and the "time for 1 round" is very small.

For Python or Clojure, the "time for 1 round" is much larger, so when you multiply 1000x, they become visible

giordano commented 1 year ago

@niklas-heer I'm looking at the CI log of the first and second commit of this PR. The only difference, introduced in the second commit, is the number of iterations, but with 10 iterations I see

                +cpp | Benchmarking Summary 
                +cpp | -------------------- 
                +cpp | Started:            15-10-2022 23:00:30 
                +cpp | Ended:              15-10-2022 23:00:45 
                +cpp | Language:           C++ (g++) 
                +cpp | Version:            11.2.1 
                +cpp | Executed Command:   ./leibniz 
                +cpp | Accuracy:           0.6666666666666666 
                +cpp | Calculated Pi:      3.1415926545880506 
                +cpp | Total iterations:   10 
                +cpp | Average time taken: 1.532409457s 

while with 3 iterations

                +cpp | Benchmarking Summary 
                +cpp | -------------------- 
                +cpp | Started:            15-10-2022 23:17:40 
                +cpp | Ended:              15-10-2022 23:17:54 
                +cpp | Language:           C++ (g++) 
                +cpp | Version:            11.2.1 
                +cpp | Executed Command:   ./leibniz 
                +cpp | Accuracy:           0.6666666666666666 
                +cpp | Calculated Pi:      3.1415926545880506 
                +cpp | Total iterations:   3 
                +cpp | Average time taken: 4.909791779s 

I was expecting "Average time taken" to be roughly the same, or am I getting wrong what that means?

Moelf commented 1 year ago

I think there's one more place to change 10 -> 3, this time difference looks like *10 / 3 kind of thing.

niklas-heer commented 1 year ago

No, there is only one place to change the number of iterations. The GitHub Action run is executed on a VM. I don't know if parallel CI runs affect each other, but even with a reduction to 3 iterations, it is now running over 40 minutes. That is still too much. I think we have to find a lower rounds value which doesn't exceed 10 minutes each CI run.

original:      1000000
proposed:  1000000000

Let's try 10000000 so one 0 more compared to the original times 3 iterations.

giordano commented 1 year ago

No, there is only one place to change the number of iterations.

Don't you agree that the average should be roughly the same if using 3 or 10 iterations (especially for programs with stable runtime like C/C++)? How do you explain the difference I reported above?

Moelf commented 1 year ago

this ten seems hard-coded?

Moelf commented 1 year ago

swift has the hard-coded old number;

and yeah looks like we can remove Julia + PackageCompiler

niklas-heer commented 1 year ago

this ten seems hard-coded?

Yes, this is the default value. If you don't provide anything there, it takes 10.

niklas-heer commented 1 year ago

It runs 10 minutes, so I wouldn't increase the rounds.txt any more. The results have changed quite a bit.

This is the results: (I guess we should ignore Swift) combined_results

Moelf commented 1 year ago

yeah and let's remove PackageCompiler, which should save 2 minutes I guess?

but honestly, knowing 50% time in Julia is still start-up time makes me sad

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Something is broken with the time calculations. C is 4985ms with 10^9 rounds above, and 162ms with 10^8. The ratio should be close to 10, surely?

jariji commented 1 year ago

I'd keep PackageCompiler.jl, at least until StaticCompiler.jl is ready - it's interesting to see the comparison.

niklas-heer commented 1 year ago

@Moelf I'll merge it as it is an will keeped the compiled version like @jariji suggested. 10 minutes is okay.

niklas-heer commented 1 year ago

Something is broken with the time calculations. C is 4985ms with 10^9 rounds above, and 162ms with 10^8. The ratio should be close to 10, surely?

I wouldn't give too many thoughts about a single run from a CI build which ran parallel with others and which I had to cancel in the end because it got stuck.

giordano commented 1 year ago

I wouldn't give too many thoughts about a single run

Single run? We reported two different runs which had inconsistent results.

from a CI build which ran parallel with others

In parallel with what? Each job runs in a different virtual machine.

and which I had to cancel in the end because it got stuck.

It wasn't stuck, it was running CPython