niklasso / minisat-haskell-bindings

Haskell-Bindings to MiniSat
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newSolver creates a simplifying solver - or not? #6

Open jwaldmann opened 9 years ago

jwaldmann commented 9 years ago

I was comparing runtimes for solving one and the same CNF (built via when calling minisat via:

and to my surprise, solver-via-API is definitely slower, namely, it behaves exactly as command-line solver with -no-pre.

Is this intended? How can I get the API to behave as the default command-line solver (with -pre)?

This seems to be relevant: , what does it mean?

I can comment out the line eliminate s True and it is indeed running faster.

jwaldmann commented 1 year ago

When I set verbosity to 2 in Ersatz.Solver.Minisat.API, for the 8x8-knight's tour (cabal test) I get this trace

Test suite knight: RUNNING...
CNF 24321 vars 111104 clauses
|  Garbage collection:        2060300 bytes =>       613860 bytes             |
|  Garbage collection:         808276 bytes =>       404108 bytes             |
|  Eliminated clauses:           0.18 Mb                                      |
============================[ Search Statistics ]==============================
| Conflicts |          ORIGINAL         |          LEARNT          | Progress |
|           |    Vars  Clauses Literals |    Limit  Clauses Lit/Cl |          |
|       100 |    2771    20003    56690 |     7334       99     49 | 61.042 % |
|       250 |    2769    20003    56690 |     8067      247     58 | 61.050 % |
|       475 |    2765    20003    56690 |     8874      468     62 | 61.067 % |
|       812 |    2763    20003    56690 |     9762      803     62 | 61.075 % |
|      1318 |    2762    20003    56690 |    10738     1308     78 | 61.079 % |
|      2077 |    2758    20003    56690 |    11812     2063     89 | 61.095 % |
|      3216 |    2757    20003    56690 |    12993     3201    101 | 61.099 % |
|      4924 |    2743    20003    56690 |    14292     4895     94 | 61.157 % |
|      7486 |    2731    20003    56690 |    15722     7444    110 | 61.206 % |
|     11330 |    2713    20003    56690 |    17294    11266    108 | 61.280 % |
|     17096 |    2699    20003    56690 |    19023    17017    116 | 61.338 % |
  0  25  38  47  62   3  30  33
 39  46  63   2  29  32  61   4
 26   1  24  37  48  59  34  31
 45  40  49  28  23  36   5  60
 50  27  52  41   6  11  58  35
 53  44  15  22  13  20   7  10
 16  51  42  55  18   9  12  57
 43  54  17  14  21  56  19   8

real    0m8.156s

When I write the CNF to file, and solve with minisat from the command line, I get

============================[ Problem Statistics ]==================real    0m8.156s
|                                                                             |
|  Number of variables:         24321                                         |
|  Number of clauses:          111104                                         |
|  Parse time:                   0.03 s                                       |
|  Garbage collection:        2060300 bytes =>       613860 bytes             |
|  Garbage collection:         808276 bytes =>       404108 bytes             |
|  Garbage collection:         447788 bytes =>       306772 bytes             |
|  Eliminated clauses:           0.18 Mb                                      |
|  Simplification time:          0.05 s                                       |
|                                                                             |
============================[ Search Statistics ]==============================
| Conflicts |          ORIGINAL         |          LEARNT          | Progress |
|           |    Vars  Clauses Literals |    Limit  Clauses Lit/Cl |          |
|       100 |    2790    20003    56690 |     7334       99     52 | 60.964 % |
|       250 |    2790    20003    56690 |     8067      249     59 | 60.964 % |
|       475 |    2787    20003    56690 |     8874      471     66 | 60.976 % |
|       812 |    2787    20003    56690 |     9762      808     88 | 60.976 % |
|      1318 |    2787    20003    56690 |    10738     1314     96 | 60.976 % |
|      2077 |    2779    19891    56434 |    11812     2064     90 | 61.009 % |
|      3216 |    2778    19891    56434 |    12993     3202    113 | 61.013 % |
|      4924 |    2742    19840    56320 |    14292     4893    100 | 61.161 % |
|      7486 |    2734    19413    55299 |    15722     7444    106 | 61.194 % |
|     11330 |    2712    19213    54832 |    17294    11257    100 | 61.284 % |
|     17096 |    2689    18919    54130 |    19023    16988    106 | 61.379 % |
restarts              : 78
conflicts             : 22217          (26181 /sec)
decisions             : 138774         (0.00 % random) (163532 /sec)
propagations          : 3688453        (4346495 /sec)
conflict literals     : 2527356        (10.45 % deleted)
Memory used           : 33.00 MB
CPU time              : 0.848604 s


One difference is that the number of clauses and literals is constant with the API call but reduces with the process call.