niklasvh / html2canvas

Screenshots with JavaScript
MIT License
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Allow Taint? #1263

Open Metatrox opened 6 years ago

Metatrox commented 6 years ago

So my situation may be a little unique but perhaps someone could shine some light on it for me.

I am working on a Weapon Builder / Image creator. So far its working great with html2canvas and exporting and saving works good. However I have a feature that allows the user to upload a file from their computer using input form and it will change the background image of the div that html2canvas exports. However when it exports the image it does not sow the image the user uploaded. I'm not sure if this is just a allowTaint kinda thing or not? I believe I have coded it right no allow taint but still doesn't seem to work.

Perhaps I need to find a script that actually uploads the file to the server and then sets it as the background image? I dunno where to find this and I am by no means a coder so I'm winging it!.

Thanks for any help.

niklasvh commented 6 years ago

If I understood you correctly, the images uploaded by a user, where the upload only occurs on the browser (never actually sent over to the server), it isn't showing up in the generated canvas?

If so, I wouldn't be surprised that it isn't working (as it is a use case I've ran into before), but I don't see why it couldn't be made to work as well. Until a fix is available, one option is for you to draw the image into a canvas and then put it into the DOM.