niklasvh / html2canvas

Screenshots with JavaScript
MIT License
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html2canvas get no result #2236

Open wq1308786830 opened 4 years ago

wq1308786830 commented 4 years ago

Bug reports:

const canvasElement = await html2canvas(node, {
    scale: 1,
    height: node.scrollHeight,
    useCORS: true, // allow cors sources
// never execute this line

code console.log(canvasElement) never executed, even though in .then((canvasElement) => console.log(canvasElement)) way.


mohitbagra commented 4 years ago

+1. Weirdly if I set breakpoint in the await html2canvas line, and continue with execution, it works fine

omeriko commented 3 years ago

Have you found solution for iOS?