niklaswa / TrainStatusInfo

🚄ℹ️ Show current train info (speed, next station, arrival time) in macOS status bar
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Add support for OeBB when JSON is all null #1

Open craftbyte opened 1 year ago

craftbyte commented 1 year ago

On some S-Bahn trains I have found that the JSON will have all fields just set to null. The trains still report speed and position on, there is also I see the fields set to null on S-Bahn Steiermark.

niklaswa commented 1 year ago

Hey @craftbyte, thanks for the info! I'm currently using the endpoint for getting the data in the ÖBB Railjets. Is this endpoint also available in the S-Bahn? I'm currently not in Austria, so I can't try it unfortunately.

If not, maybe I have to use the two endpoints that you mentioned, would be awesome if you or someone else could provide the full data of these.

craftbyte commented 1 year ago

That endpoint still returns a JSON, but all the elements contents are null. I am taking another one tomorrow and will send the full responses. The system is called railnet regio and seems to be basically the same as railjets, as those endpoints are also available there.

craftbyte commented 1 year ago

Here's the /gps:

{"Latitude":"46.787470166667","Longitude":"15.545274166667", "JSON":{"error":"none","lat":46.787470166667,"lon":15.545274166667,"speed":88.694132}}

Sadly, the traininfo endpoint is just returning 0 on this train, I will try to get it next time I am on a railjet.