nikoksr / notify

A dead simple Go library for sending notifications to various messaging services.
MIT License
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[HELP] How to make senderAddress Dynamic #803

Open sharukhkhanajm opened 6 months ago

sharukhkhanajm commented 6 months ago

Code Implement

package types

import (

    awsSes ""

// CustomNotifier holds the notify instance and any services we've set up.
type CustomNotifier struct {
    notifier   *notify.Notify
    sesService *awsSes.AmazonSES
    // ... other services

// NewCustomNotifier creates a new CustomNotifier with all services initialized.
func NewCustomNotifier() (*CustomNotifier, error) {
    // Initialize the notify instance
    n := notify.New()
    var senderAddress string 

    // Initialize all services here (like sesService, discordService, etc.)

    // For AWS SES
    sesSvc, err := awsSes.New(

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err // Handle the error if SES service fails to initialize

    // ... initialize other services

    // Return a new CustomNotifier
    return &CustomNotifier{
        notifier:   n,
        sesService: sesSvc,
        // ... other services
    }, nil

// SendWithSES sends a notification via AWS SES.
func (cn *CustomNotifier) SendWithSES(s *FiberServer, receivers, subject, message string) error {
    return cn.notifier.Send(s.Ctx, subject, message)

How can I make the final parameter, senderAddress, dynamic in this code?

My use case is i may use noreply@"+os.Getenv("DOMAIN_NAME") or support@"+os.Getenv("DOMAIN_NAME")