The ability to select an audio playback device could be helpful. The current mechanism, using the Windows "Listen to this device" feature, defaults to the default output, but in some implementations is inadequate. Users have expressed the desire to change the output device, and the current mechanism for doing so is unintuitive and not very well-documented. This could possibly be integrated with #5, as the output selection could be handled by the A2DP implementation.
Upstream issue 1 2 3
The ability to select an audio playback device could be helpful. The current mechanism, using the Windows "Listen to this device" feature, defaults to the default output, but in some implementations is inadequate. Users have expressed the desire to change the output device, and the current mechanism for doing so is unintuitive and not very well-documented. This could possibly be integrated with #5, as the output selection could be handled by the A2DP implementation.