nikolaydubina / twitter-remover

Remove twitter likes, posts, retweets, replies, followers
MIT License
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Remove Retweets doesn't work! #2

Open JohnDoeIsBack opened 3 months ago

JohnDoeIsBack commented 3 months ago

It just keeps on scrolling instead of removing the RTs.

nikolaydubina commented 3 months ago

it was working before. I guess twitter changed again something. I will fix later on if I have time

im-PJs commented 1 day ago

setInterval(() => { for (const d of document.querySelectorAll('button[data-testid="unretweet"]')) {; for (const c of document.querySelectorAll('div[data-testid="unretweetConfirm"]')) {; } } window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); }, 1000);

Fixing it to this worked for me

nikolaydubina commented 1 day ago

@im-PJs do you mind opening a PR? for attribution

woj-tek commented 1 day ago

@im-PJs - I tested it and while it removed some RTs it quite often got stuck.