nikolenkoanton92 / node_waitlisted

Node.js module that implements the offical waitlisted api
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How to delete a user #3

Open tgoldenberg opened 7 years ago

tgoldenberg commented 7 years ago

I'm currently writing end-to-end browser testing with CasperJS, and part of the test is creating a new Waitlisted user. Of course, I'm using fake emails (with casual package) and want to delete the users after each test.

I haven't been able to find a delete endpoint for Waitlisted. Is anyone aware of one? Thanks!

nikolenkoanton92 commented 7 years ago

@tgoldenberg Whaat I know, waitlisted have just two endpoints (create and get user). You can as creator or support team from waitlisted if they can provide move information...

tgoldenberg commented 7 years ago

@nikolenkoanton92 So they are working on it... Maybe by early next week :)

j-mcnally commented 7 years ago

this is resolved and api docs are available at