nikolv / Agile-Fallarm-Project

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Collect information about Project Objects and Enviroment #5

Open nikolv opened 9 years ago

nikolv commented 9 years ago

Please do some research about Objects and Enviroment You can take a reference from Professor's material Bring your research next meeting (Oct 15th)

lhc069 commented 9 years ago

Object: client side:

patient send a signal to health center service, based on his personal health conditions, we can design the levels into 3: slight -> the health center will make phone call to the patient medium -> serious -> the health center will arrange ambulance car to patient’s location server side: received patients’ signal or message of different levels, and the web server will generate the correspond method to the medical person to take the next step action.

Environment: webpage, wrist band, device IOS,Android, other mobile device which can generate signal or message. server side: a website which made of JBDC, JAVA HTML,CSS , JAVA Script and other framework or server hosts

nikolv commented 9 years ago

Oops, it Objectives, not object.

kartikmamidi commented 9 years ago

our Objective can be simple in this way: To design and develop Fallarm Guardian software, a remote patient monitoring and alert system that enables care providers to take immediate attention to patients' need.