nikshriv / cync_lights

Home Assistant Integration for controlling Cync switches, plugs, and bulbs
149 stars 50 forks source link

Fix async issue #95

Closed nschimme closed 1 month ago

nschimme commented 2 months ago


nschimme commented 2 months ago

@nikshriv please merge

Lioncat6 commented 2 months ago

The author hasn't touched their github account since March 2023 🥲

web250 commented 2 months ago

Fix worked for me after editing all 4 files and resetting lights to off in Google Home. Note that HA is saying in the next .3 version that multiple calls from this integration will be deprecated

eczuckerman commented 2 months ago

Can somebody walk me through how to fix this? It is driving me nuts.

web250 commented 2 months ago

Can somebody walk me through how to fix this? It is driving me nuts.

Check this link: You need to make edits (using Terminal in HA) using your text editor of choice (I used vi, nano works too) Edit 4 files, and change the red to the green. The numbers on the left are the line numbers in the code.