nikshriv / hass_navien_water_heater

Home Assistant custom component for Navien water heaters using NaviLink
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Help getting this installed #2

Closed Glen-Hart closed 2 years ago

Glen-Hart commented 2 years ago


I have managed to download this in HACS, then restarted.

I am not seeing it in the HA Integration nor as any device or entity.

If you can provide me with some guidance please.

nikshriv commented 2 years ago

Did you close and restart your browser window as well? Usually you have to do this to update the integration list in HA when installing an integration from HACS.

Glen-Hart commented 2 years ago


Thank you for your responds and most importantly developing this integration. I just check it, after my PC rebooted over night and it was there.

Sorry for wasting your time. There is so much to learn and I am relatively new.
