nikshriv / hass_navien_water_heater

Home Assistant custom component for Navien water heaters using NaviLink
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Everything shows as off #20

Open brianmario opened 1 year ago

brianmario commented 1 year ago

Hi! First off, thank you so much for this integration!

The water heater entity shows 0 degrees as the target temp and "off" with away mode enabled. But in the app I see the units are all on and the set temp is 125 F. The switch entity also says it's "off" but the units are on. The heating power sensor is also 0.

I have 3 water heaters hooked up in a group with a single NaviLink hooked up to the "master" unit. When I look in the app, all 3 units show up. I only mention that because it could be what is causing the issue with this integration? It's been a while since I inspected the wire protocol but maybe my configuration is causing a list of units to be returned where your code maybe only expects a single unit?

Happy to try and capture traffic with wireshark or something if that would help.