nikthefix / Lilygo_Support_T_Display_S3_Long_TFT_eSPI_Volos-nikthefix

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Incorrect touch detection? #5

Open Akiyamka opened 3 months ago

Akiyamka commented 3 months ago

Thank you so much for the demo. In the process of testing I found a strange behavior. It seems that the X coordinate is not taken into account when calculating hits to buttons, so they are triggered even after a strong displacement along the X axis

nikthefix commented 3 months ago

Ah. Well spotted! I need to add an 'ignore region' to the readout area. I'll get onto that.

Thanks for the feedback.


nikthefix commented 1 month ago


After too long a wait (sorry) I updated the .ino file to fix the spurious touch in the readout area. Please find new version:

BTW the error was mine and not Volos' calculator gui implementation.
