nil4 / dotnet-transform-xdt

Modern .NET tools and library for XDT (Xml Document Transformation)
Apache License 2.0
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Run this *after* publish? #22

Closed ericwj closed 6 years ago

ericwj commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately this can only run with the SDK installed. I want to run this standalone on a server with just the runtime available.

Would you accept a PR to

  1. Factor out all functionality short of command line args into a new netstandard project
    This would allow a scenario where a deployed app using this can simply accept a switch to do a transform, no additional tools needed to carry around.
  2. Add another project which is a plain old command line app and which can be downloaded e.g. from the GitHub Releases page and ran directly.

Also add some TargetFrameworks and pack the stuff for .NET Core 2.0 and 2.1 in the same package.

nil4 commented 6 years ago

@ericwj Yes, that sounds promising; thank you for offering to help.

Considering #19, I was planning to do the following once .NET Core 2.1 is released:

  1. Remove the dependency on McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils; it's overkill for parsing a few arguments.
  2. Package this as a global tool (with a single DLL/EXE) and publish it to NuGet.

I believe having this available as a global tool would solve your use case of running it with only the runtime available, and indirectly also point (2), after running dotnet tool install --global dotnet-xdt.

How does that sound? Would it fit your use case, or is the availability of a netstandard library that you can reference in your app more important?

ericwj commented 6 years ago

It'll still need the SDK.

Just running publish on the project and releasing it to the GitHub releases page (so it can be downloaded) will solve 2. image

However I figure it is way easier to have it as a DLL so this can be inbox in the deployed app - it could even load and run the source and transform from a resource instead of from the file system and do fancy stuff such as expecting an environment name and the secret my app needs to boostrap Azure Key Vault.

nil4 commented 6 years ago

With PR #25, a CLI global tool and a .NET Standard library are published (but currently unlisted) on NuGet.

You can install the tool with:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-xdt --version 2.1.0-preview.2

# and then
dotnet xdt --help

Alternatively, reference and use the library in a custom app or command-line tool:

dotnet add package DotNet.Xdt --version 2.1.0-preview.2 
nil4 commented 6 years ago

Version 2.1.0-rc.1 is now available on NuGet for both dotnet-xdt CLI tool and DotNet.Xdt library.

The standalone dotnet-xdt.exe for .NET 4.6.1 is downloadable from AppVeyor and dotnet-transform-xdt 2.0 remains available as a project-level tool for all .NET Core versions.