nilaoda / DoViMuxer

Tool to make Dolby Vison mp4.
MIT License
92 stars 8 forks source link

-vbsf no longer supported in FFMPEG 7. must use -bsf #13

Open cjplay02 opened 6 months ago

cjplay02 commented 6 months ago

VBSF Extract outcome of FFMPEG - "Extract video track... /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -nostdin -loglevel warning -i "/Users/chenders/Downloads/Joker/Joker1_DoVi-21Mbps_ATMOS-DD+-640Kbps_genptsv2.mp4" -c copy -vbsf hevc_mp4toannexb -f hevc "638488262678439570.hevc" Unrecognized option 'vbsf'."

Please remove the "v" in -vbsf.