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Inconsistent behavior of `signal.clean` filtering compared to manual implementation #3632

Open ymzayek opened 1 year ago

ymzayek commented 1 year ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Operating system

Operating system version

Ubuntu 20.04

Python version

nilearn version

Expected behavior

There seems to be unexpected behavior of filtering with signal.clean. This was pointed out by a colleague (@demianw) who implemented his own filtering close to cosine. I generated some data and plots to reproduce the problem (see the code in the last section to reproduce the plots). Here I present 4 plots. The first is the original uncleaned signal. The second is an implementation by Demian and the third is nilearn cosine filtering. It is expected that the second and third plot look similarly but it looks like there is no filtering being done in the third. The last plot is basically what nilearn does for butterworth but reproduced with the underlying scipy functions and it leaves no signal. @htwangtw any ideas?

Current behavior & error messages


Steps and code to reproduce bug

Code to reproduce plots
```python # Paste your code here import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import signal as sp_signal, fft from nilearn import signal as nisignal # create noisy data with linear trend rng = np.random.RandomState(0) npoints = 1000 noise = rng.standard_normal(npoints) x = 3 + 2*np.linspace(0, 1, npoints) + noise low_pass = 0.1 high_pass = 0.01 t_r = 1/26 # filtering implementation by Demian s = sp_signal.detrend(x) fs = fft.fft(s) t_r = 1/26 freqs = fft.fftfreq(s.size, d=t_r) freqs_pass = (np.abs(freqs) <= low_pass) * (np.abs(freqs) >= high_pass) fs_filtered = fs * freqs_pass s_filtered = fft.ifft(fs_filtered) x_filtered = np.real(s_filtered) # nilearn cosine filtering cleaned_signal = nisignal.clean( x[:, None], detrend=True, filter="cosine", low_pass=low_pass, # not used for cosine high_pass=high_pass, t_r=t_r, ) # scipy butterworth bandpass filtering (basically what nilearn does I think) order = 5 # same as nilearn default sampling_rate = 1/t_r # same as defined in nilearn b, a = sp_signal.butter(order, [high_pass, low_pass], 'band', fs=sampling_rate) filteredBandPass = sp_signal.filtfilt(b, a, x) # plot original and cleaned signals fig, axs = plt.subplots(4) axs[0].set_title("Original signal") axs[0].plot(x) axs[1].set_title("Filtering by Demian") axs[1].plot(x_filtered) axs[2].set_title("Nilearn Cosine") axs[2].plot(cleaned_signal) axs[3].set_title("Scipy butterworth with nilearn defaults") axs[3].plot(filteredBandPass) ```
htwangtw commented 1 year ago

The TR used in the script is too small to do meaningful filtering with those parameters. It will not create cosine drift term in the first place, so the result you got for the cosine method was only detrended. If we change the TR to 1.49, we get pretty consistent results:


Note that the consine method doesn't perform low pass filtering.

We definitely want to raise a warning if no cosine drift term is created. As for what should be the expected behaviour for the rest, I would suggest to have someone better at signal processing to weigh in

bthirion commented 1 year ago

Butterworth seems to be doing crazy things. by the way, the a, b api for filtering seems to be deprecated...

tsalo commented 1 year ago

Maybe sosfiltfilt (#3396) could help with this too?

ymzayek commented 1 year ago

We definitely want to raise a warning if no cosine drift term is created

There is a warning but maybe it's not clear enough in the case of TR being too short? Hard for me to say since I do not work with this.

UserWarning: Cosine filter was not created. The time series might be too short or the high pass filter is not suitable for the data.

Maybe sosfiltfilt ( could help with this too?

Sounds reasonable to me