make commits if you think the change made is important or lengthy, and commit name must be self-descriptive.
This will start a long chain of 'changes', e.g. mutation, crossover, ...everywhere. Though the changes are not algorthmic, but sure is very wide-spread.
Three pair of eyes (and hands) are desired to ensure changes are appropriate.
Any change other than mentioned(and their neighbours ) is discouraged.
All abstract issues discovered must not be addressed but first made an issue here in github.[actual issue: is the issue like print error, dimension mis-match etc; abstract issue: is the issue like 'accuracy not improving' etc]
Issue with this issue is also to be addressed here.
Compare results so that you know there is not a hideous error causing uncertainity . Test must be rigorous.
Branch aside from 05_postmidsem
P.S. Next step will be connection matrix (abstract concept). Will be seen after all is working fine with these issue fixed, do not merge connection matrix with this issue, straight away. Stepwise.
These branches and so many versions of codes are getting out of hand. So, I am trying to simplify it back by adding a folder in master "new_chromo" commit.
Check it out for the new structure, with documentation @nilinswap .
it's just a simple nd.array for now. Change this to a dictionary (map). format is mentioned below.