nillerusr / source-engine

Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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[Tools] Hammer and other tools #175

Open LakoMoor opened 1 year ago

LakoMoor commented 1 year ago

I see folders with Hammer and SDKlauncher. But they didn't have wscript file. Any ideas how to build it?

SanyaSho commented 1 year ago

clone original leak to windows host, fixup vpcs and build it with vpc hammer and other utils for sdk isnt ported to linux yet

LakoMoor commented 1 year ago

clone original leak to windows host, fixup vpcs and build it with vpc hammer and other utils for sdk isnt ported to linux yet

Well, it's like a crutch for me. still, the tool files are present in this repo.

er2off commented 1 year ago

@SanyaSho have private repo with almost everything from utils/ directory.

Hammer is the most difficult part because it uses Win32 API, maybe easier to rewrite it from scratch than try to port as is.

LakoMoor commented 1 year ago

Hmm... I'm trying to create a wscript file based on launcher and launcher_main. But I had a lot of errors after compilation. I think this problem is solvable, but I don't have more experience in c/c++.

StartForKiller commented 1 year ago

My only issue when compiling it on windows with a crafted wscript is: nafxcw.lib(dllmodul.obj) : error LNK2005: already defined _DllMain@12 on LIBCMT.lib(dll_dllmain_stub.obj)

StartForKiller commented 1 year ago

idk if this can be force to use the nafxcw dllmain first and the use /force, or if it's a setup problem, i'm using v143 MFC tools

coderamen666 commented 4 months ago

You could compile Hammer against winelib.

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

@coderamen666 did you managed to compile hammer with winelib?

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

@SanyaSho which is the original leak,

er2off commented 3 months ago

which is the original leak

1st commit, lol

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

XD im trying to compile hammer but its not working so thats why i asked

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

@er2off btw, how to fix the first commit to actually compile hammer? i get socketlib.vpc error

coderamen666 commented 3 months ago

I didn't compile hammer with winelib. It was just an idea

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

oh okay

coderamen666 commented 3 months ago

@er2off btw, how to fix the first commit to actually compile hammer? i get socketlib.vpc error

I tried doing what you are trying to do. Its a pain in the bum and I need help with it too

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

I compiled the hammer_dll and hammer_launcher successfully but when i try to open the hammer.exe, the program tries to access dll's, so i put the dll's to the right folder but the inputsystem doesnt load even if it was in the folder its really weird. it actually loads but it gets unloaded :/

UPDATE: Actually wait a second, Source 2007 Leak has the hammer and hammer_launcher, maybe its working idk but i need visual studio 2005, im installing it:

coderamen666 commented 3 months ago

I compiled the hammer_dll and hammer_launcher successfully but when i try to open the hammer.exe, the program tries to access dll's, so i put the dll's to the right folder but the inputsystem doesnt load even if it was in the folder its really weird. it actually loads but it gets unloaded :/

UPDATE: Actually wait a second, Source 2007 Leak has the hammer and hammer_launcher, maybe its working idk but i need visual studio 2005, im installing it:

Could you try making a standalone repo that only has the source code needed to build hammer and the compile tools?

coderamen666 commented 3 months ago

maybe? im trying to build to hammer in the 2007 repo, if this works then i will try to do it. and i think we need vs2005 c++ professional edition rather than express one. image

i found these:

and the product key: KGR3T-F2C26-RRTGT-D6DQT-QBBB3

I will try these on virtual machine and test it.

Good luck. I really hope that someone could eventually build hammer on modern windows

yungDoom commented 3 months ago


coderamen666 commented 3 months ago

I'm not skilled in dealing with Microsoft stuff. Linux is more of my thing

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

i used linux for building kisak strike and play it.
I created the repo but idk if hammer works its just a test repo:

SanyaSho commented 3 months ago

find somewhere full.7z and copy some missing files from SDK2013MP

yungDoom commented 3 months ago


did you compiled the hammer? i already have these files by the way. thanks for that actually, i will try it.

coderamen666 commented 3 months ago


did you compiled the hammer? i already have these files by the way. thanks for that actually, i will try it.

Not yet I'll try using full.7z

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

image "hl2_src"

SanyaSho commented 3 months ago


did you compiled the hammer? i already have these files by the way. thanks for that actually, i will try it.

i'm using this engine only for my port, for anything else i have modified source2013 engine branch with 64bit hammer

yungDoom commented 3 months ago


did you compiled the hammer? i already have these files by the way. thanks for that actually, i will try it.

i'm using this engine only for my port, for anything else i have modified source2013 engine branch with 64bit hammer

where? is that private?

SanyaSho commented 3 months ago


did you compiled the hammer? i already have these files by the way. thanks for that actually, i will try it.

i'm using this engine only for my port, for anything else i have modified source2013 engine branch with 64bit hammer

where? is that private?


yungDoom commented 3 months ago

oh okay

coderamen666 commented 3 months ago

find somewhere full.7z and copy some missing files from SDK2013MP

What files should I copy?

SanyaSho commented 3 months ago

find somewhere full.7z and copy some missing files from SDK2013MP

What files should I copy?

dx9sdk/dx10sdk some files from utils/vbsp public/p4lib

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

thanks for this

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

i get an linker error about telemetry

SanyaSho commented 3 months ago

i get an linker error about telemetry

add RAD_TELEMETRY_DISABLED define somewhere in vpc_scripts/

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

thanks but now hammer wants vphysics.dll ~but i dont have ivp, i tried to put the source-physics ivp to my folder but it gave me unresolved external symbol, so i need import vphysics from source-engine repository too and fix it maybe.~

Okay i replaced with the source-engine vphysics and ivp, now it builded!

yungDoom commented 3 months ago

AppFramework : Unable to load module inputsystem.dll! Unable to load interface InputSystemVersion001 from inputsystem.dll @SanyaSho, What is the problem?

SanyaSho commented 3 months ago

AppFramework : Unable to load module inputsystem.dll! Unable to load interface InputSystemVersion001 from inputsystem.dll @SanyaSho, What is the problem?

missing SDL2.dll