I'm new user of nilmtk, now i try to use seq2point neural network. I try to train (across home) the model of seq2point with the data of building 1 and building 2 of dataset ukdale. But the value of loss did not improve from INF. I try with redd dataset too, i got aways the same problem.
I'm not a expert on neural network, would it be possible to let me know how to solve this problem ?
I'm new user of nilmtk, now i try to use seq2point neural network. I try to train (across home) the model of seq2point with the data of building 1 and building 2 of dataset ukdale. But the value of loss did not improve from INF. I try with redd dataset too, i got aways the same problem.
I'm not a expert on neural network, would it be possible to let me know how to solve this problem ?
There is my code for seq2point :
result of execution
Train on 11998 samples, validate on 2118 samples Epoch 1/50 11998/11998 [==============================] - 5s 389us/step - loss: nan - val_loss: nan
Epoch 00001: val_loss did not improve from inf Epoch 2/50 11998/11998 [==============================] - 6s 464us/step - loss: nan - val_loss: nan
Epoch 00002: val_loss did not improve from inf Epoch 3/50 11998/11998 [==============================] - 6s 521us/step - loss: nan - val_loss: nan
Epoch 00003: val_loss did not improve from inf Epoch 4/50 11998/11998 [==============================] - 6s 524us/step - loss: nan - val_loss: nan
Epoch 00004: val_loss did not improve from inf Epoch 5/50 11998/11998 [==============================] - 6s 474us/step - loss: nan - val_loss: nan
Epoch 00005: val_loss did not improve from inf Epoch 6/50 11998/11998 [==============================] - 6s 485us/step - loss: nan - val_loss: nan
Epoch 00006: val_loss did not improve from inf Epoch 7/50 11998/11998 [==============================] - 6s 490us/step - loss: nan - val_loss: nan
Epoch 00007: val_loss did not improve from inf Epoch 8/50 11998/11998 [==============================] - 6s 486us/step - loss: nan - val_loss: nan