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Creating Inheritance Diagrams for better documentation #6

Open niloy opened 11 years ago

niloy commented 11 years ago

Creating Inheritance Diagrams for better documentation

A typical large scale software is often broken using classes. These classes follow complex inheritance patterns. Understanding the inheritance of classes gives a better understanding of the software. So in this post today, we will explore how to automatically create Inheritance diagrams from the code directly.

For the demonstration, lets pick THREE.js which is a popular JavaScript library for creating 3D graphics in the browser. Every piece of functionality in the library has been neatly wrapped in classes.

The first thing we need to do is download the source code. THREE.js already provides production ready code here. This single file contains all the classes in the project. This is especially helpful because we don’t need to iterate over multiple folders to look for class definitions.

In THREE.js, all inheritance is done using Object.create. For example,


This means, the class Camera inherits from Object3D. We can use grep and find out all such statements.

grep -o "THREE\.[^.]*\.prototype=Object\.create([^)]*)" three.min.js

The -o tells grep to only display matching portion instead of full line. Executing the command above generates output like this:


We can pipe this output to the following sed command:

sed 's/THREE\.\([^.]*\)\.prototype=Object\.create(THREE\.\([^.]*\)\.prototype)/\t\2 -> \1/'

Which will generate the following output:

Object3D -> Camera
Camera -> OrthographicCamera
Camera -> PerspectiveCamera
Object3D -> Light
Light -> AmbientLight
Light -> DirectionalLight
Light -> HemisphereLight
Light -> PointLight
Light -> SpotLight
Loader -> BinaryLoader
Loader -> JSONLoader

We need to generate this particular format because this is understood by the graphviz library. graphviz is a Graph Visualization Software that can create graph/tree images from input text files. On Ubuntu, installing it is as simple as:

sudo apt-get install graphviz

Note: dot is the actual name of the executable that generates the graph. But, it comes under the graphviz package.

The final input to dot should be this:

digraph tree {
    Object3D -> Camera
    Camera -> OrthographicCamera
    Camera -> PerspectiveCamera
    Object3D -> Light
    Light -> AmbientLight
    Light -> DirectionalLight
    Light -> HemisphereLight
    Light -> PointLight
    Light -> SpotLight
    Loader -> BinaryLoader
    Loader -> JSONLoader

The code above is also known as the DOT language.

Assuming the dot commands is stored in a file called tree.gv, execute the following command:

dot -Tsvg -othree.tree.svg tree.gv

This command will generate the tree output in SVG format in the file three.tree.svg.

Putting it all together in a shell script:

echo "digraph tree {" > /tmp/tree.gv
grep -o "THREE\.[^.]*\.prototype=Object\.create([^)]*)" three.min.js|\
sed 's/THREE\.\([^.]*\)\.prototype=Object\.create(THREE\.\([^.]*\)\.prototype)/\t\2 -> \1/'\
echo "}" >> /tmp/tree.gv
dot -Tsvg -othree.tree.svg /tmp/tree.gv

And you are done. Ofcourse, this idea is not limited to inheritance diagrams. One can plot a graph of various function calls being made by a certain class. Or the entire site diagram where each node is a page and each edge represents a hyperlink. The possibilities are really endless!

flowgrow commented 8 years ago

Great Idea, i'd love to have some sort of UML diagram