nilsbraden / ttrss-reader-fork

An Android-Client for the self-hosted Tiny Tiny RSS feedreader
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TLS on Android 7.1 #333

Closed wommel closed 3 years ago

wommel commented 7 years ago

Since upgrading the system from cm13 (Android 6) to cm14.1 (Android 7.1) the app is unable to connect to my server.

The F-Droid versions error message is: "SSLException in do Request(): Exception-Message: SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0x9927620c0: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer No Exception-Cause available"

The server logs: "ssl3_get_client_hello:no shared cipher" and "SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol" on connection from the app. The server is configured to only accept connections via TLSv1.2 and uses following cipherspec: "kEDH+aRSA+AESGCM:kEECDH+aRSA+AESGCM:!SHA1@STRENGTH".

So the problem seems to be too high security for java based software but as it worked fine before the system upgrade and the website still works in the systems browser I'l still consider it a bug.

For the time beeing I'l probaly lower the servers security a bit but that does not make me happy :(

wommel commented 7 years ago

In the play store version the error message is "SSLException in do Request(): Exception-Message: Unacceptable certificate:, CN=CA Cert Signing Authoroty, OU=, O=Root CA Exception-Cause: Unacceptable certificate, CN=CA Cert Signing Authoroty, OU=, O=Root CA" and the server logs "ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate unknown".

The CA-Cert root certificate is imported in the system.

None of the settings in the ssl menu in the preferences makes any difference in neither version.

wommel commented 7 years ago

After some further investigation i.e. trying pretty much every ssl_* option combination nginx offers with various key, dhparams, certificates and CAs the problem seems to be: the app (or some underlying crypto library) has cacerts root certificate blacklisted or fails parsing it correctly.

nilsbraden commented 7 years ago

Did you try to disable the Google Play services provider in SSL settings and rebooting the device? This provider injects some special settings and these are only dismissed after a reboot. I can assure you there is no specific code to disable cacert, I used it myself before I switched to Letsencrypt.

nning commented 7 years ago

I disabled the Google Play services provider in SSL settings and rebooted but it does not solve this issue.