nilsbraden / ttrss-reader-fork

An Android-Client for the self-hosted Tiny Tiny RSS feedreader
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Articles read while update is running are re-marked as unread when sync completes #426

Open mnalis opened 3 years ago

mnalis commented 3 years ago

When I enter the ttrss-reader, it starts fetching new articles. The process takes about 1-5 minutes, depending how long I have not synced it and on connection speed/quality, and is indicated by rotating circle at the top.

While it syncs, I can enter categories and read articles, and they are correctly marked as read at the time (RSS icon grayed instead of orange). However, when the sync is almost complete, all articles I've read are marked as unread again (gray RSS icons turn orange again). The circle indicating sync usually still rotates for few seconds and then finishes.

Would it be possible to make it so that articles which were read while sync was in progress remain marked as read? Having to wait before touching anything after startup of ttrss-reader for few minutes is annoying, as is starting reading immediately and then having to revisit all read articles in few minutes to mark them as read again...