nilseuropa / realsense_ros_gazebo

Intel Realsense Tracking and Depth camera simulations
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Pointcloud without color #6

Open 9woods123 opened 2 years ago

9woods123 commented 2 years ago

Hello! Great work. I used it with MAV simulator. and when I adjust the depthcam.xacro to use the realsense d435 for color pointcloud: <pointCloud>true</pointCloud> <pointCloudTopicName>depth/color/points</pointCloudTopicName> <pointCloudCutoff>0.25</pointCloudCutoff> <pointCloudCutoffMax>9.0</pointCloudCutoffMax> but what i get is pointcloud without color realsense with situation in gazebo is: gazebo

Does it work well for you?I have seen some issues mentioned this problem, but there is not a solution till now. For example, Looking forward your kind reply and helps! Thanks a lot!!

kingingo commented 1 year ago

Is there any solution?

kingingo commented 1 year ago

@9woods123 did i solve it somehow? I also have to problem and i urgently need a solution

9woods123 commented 1 year ago

@9woods123 did i solve it somehow? I also have to problem and i urgently need a solution


hello, you can refer to my repositories:

I use a kinect plugin to replace the depth camera plugin in this repositories:

<plugin name="${sensor_name}" filename="">

and, you can add the camera on your robot, using the following xml code:

  <xacro:include filename="$(find realsense_ros_gazebo)/xacro/woods_depthcam.xacro"/>
    <xacro:realsense_d435 sensor_name="${namespace}/vi_sensor" parent_link="${namespace}/base_link" rate="30">
          <origin xyz="0.1 0.0 -0.03" rpy="0.0 0.1 0.0" />

which can be found in rotors_simulator/rotors_description/urdf/mav_with_realsense.gazebo