nilsteampassnet / TeamPass

Collaborative Passwords Manager
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Error when editing element #3745

Open MosfetN opened 1 year ago

MosfetN commented 1 year ago

Bonjour à tous,

I have an issue when editing an element : Error: Malformed UTF-8 data Warning: Undefined array key "mbstring" in /var/www/html/TeamPass-3.0.8/includes/libraries/anti-xss-master/src/voku/helper/UTF8.php on line 5582 (line is " if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false) ")

Is that related to the utf8mb4_general_ci collation of the db ? utf8mb3_general_ci is deprecated in MariaDB

Thanks for your answers

vetaly-sysop commented 1 year ago

hello, i am have this problem too.

Knoppix1 commented 1 year ago

I have the same thing !

Nachtlichtermeer commented 1 year ago


Nachtlichtermeer commented 1 year ago

when i comment out the if-part to analyze it, problem persists and nothing happens. after editing and click 'submit' i can see 2 POST-requests in access-log of apache but no update-query in mysql-log with 'general_log' enabled

i think the error has nothing todo with the message about mbstring

Nachtlichtermeer commented 1 year ago

mbstring-error no longer shown in version 3.0.9 commit c03c9b597899394d1df52b1b05e830065d2f8c76 but problem persists

Nachtlichtermeer commented 1 year ago

still no luck with commit 6f22a379a9bc004e0285797a1043a4c08fea6006

Nachtlichtermeer commented 1 year ago

problem makes teampass unusable and still persists for more than 2 month please fix it

nilsteampassnet commented 1 year ago

I beleive that it is not related to a code issue but more to something with the database. Could there be a inconsistency with collation type or whatever? We need to get some error logs somewhere as it is only happening for some users.

ghost9777 commented 1 year ago

I beleive that it is not related to a code issue but more to something with the database. Could there be a inconsistency with collation type or whatever? We need to get some error logs somewhere as it is only happening for some users.

Same errors after upgrading to 3.9.0 There are no such errors in 3.8.0 I think they are related to non-english characters in user properties. I have LDAP users with russian names.

mreyesfernandez commented 5 months ago

Same error on a 3.0.6 clean instalation with just local users to test:

If a local user select Spanish language, that user can´t do many actions like logout, see or edit his data, change views, ... It´s impossible to recover user after this.

The only error message showed is "PHP Warning: Undefined array key "mbstring" in /opt/httpd-2.4.58/htdocs/teampass306/includes/libraries/anti-xss-master/src/voku/helper/UTF8.php on line 5582"

If user has English language this problem does not exist for him.

What is more, for one affected user by this problem, if I change his user_language directly on database from spanish to english, the user is functional again.